Wednesday, December 17, 2008

About the Game & Distribution

G.A. Learning is an offical branch of Team Legacy.

G.A. Learning's first release is Maths Craze, our NFTE Project, and is the reason why this blog exists. The games' target market is for children aged 8 upwards and teachers/parents with students/children who hope to mature and mainain their maths skills. The user friendly interface , colourfull images and cartoons will appeal to children, instead of the older maths' games on the market which hosts grey, drab colours which doent makes math look fun or intresting at the slightest.

Another difference between Maths Craze and other maths game is that Maths Craze has a different view on maths. Maths is basicly the solving of problems and encourage people to be more determind to reach their goals. Maths Craze believes in this and has a system of mini-games for children to play when they reach a certain number of points as a type of congratulations, thus making children more determind to get more points by completing questions and move on to the fun mini-games such as the classic Hang-Man.

The full feature list:
* Colourfull and fun interface
* Login system for children to track their progress
* Login system for teachers/parents/guardians to create/edit children and track their progress too
* Different levels for children, which is the difficulty of each question
* The questions in the game will be random
* Question editor for teachers/parents to add/edit/delete questions
* The .NET 3 Framework will be packaged in the installer
* Autosave of childs progress
* more to be added...


Maths Craze can be purchased for cd rom or downloaded. The CD Rom will included some extra stuff like design notes, early drafts of the game and pictures of the progress but will cost €5 per game while the downloaded verson will cost €2 per game.

Both versons of the game will both have : The game, The editor for questions, .NET 3 Framework, And an updater.

The downloadable verson the game will be released by Pure Quality Projects , and a link will be supplied to purchase the game once its done. You can view the Pure Quality Projects forum here :

NOTE : For the game you DO NOT need the internet,BUT to install updates of the .NET Framework you need the internet. Also, to recieve updates of the game and more, you will need an internet connection.

Stay Tuned,

G.A. Learning.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Editor Done! - Milestone Achieved

I am proud to announce that I have completed the Maths Craze Editor which will be used to create and edit questions for the game :) This is a huge achievement because it means we can now move onto the game and finish it by January :)

I am in the process of puttin it on disc and giving it to Andrew to add questions :)

Stay tuned,


Monday, December 8, 2008

Xtreme Dev Work

Today was a Monday and instead of getting angry at school work, we decided to save our anger and take it out on our computers and boil underpressure for reaching the deadline.

Sweaty palms, neck collars lowered and sleeves raised to our shoulders, (well, elbows, but, I want to add some exaggeration for a nice drama effect) we began our Dev work. While Andrew was carefullly picking, mixing and changing designs for the game around, I was viciously banging commands and code into the game, crossing my fingers (one set of fingers is good; two sets is bad luck, thanks Andrew) and then stare blankly at the screen reading the text "Error", hoping that out of nowhere that Bill Gates will appear and lend a hand, complete my project for me, and hopefully chuck a few million our way ;)

After looking towards Andrew a couple of times, I noticed that he was nearing his goal : the design. Noticing this, I panic under pressure and sweat feverishly as I tap the final command into the debug...and....Ta-Da! I managed to laugh (and dance inside may I add) and punch save. The game editor was completed and half of my work was done ! As I cross off what I have done, I look at what I'm to do and to my pleasure, it aint alot of work :)

After saving our progress, Andrew headed home and have planned for our next Dev Day to be tommorow after school.

Stay Tuned,

G.A. Learning

Welcome Message

Hello and welcome to the G.A. Learning blog page. This is the offical place for G.A. Learning related issues such as our NFTE Project currently in devolpment.

Our project, which is yet to be named, is going to be an educational maths game , aimed towards children aged 8 upwards. It is also aimed at teachers teaching young children and parents with young children.

The game will be completly maths focused and will aimed at raising and mantaining maths skills for growing children.

The game will be released sometime around January and the price is likely to be under the €5.00 price tag.

Please feel free to browse the blog, and keep an eye our for new updates on the game and our new site will be up in a short while :)

G.A. Learning