Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Some News


Well, I for one, think it is about time for a pretty good update on everything, ranging from the game, to the design, and from the cases to the distribution.

Well lately (three weeks ago to be approx. I think) me and Andrew finished the game , but, of course, there was a few things needed to be tweaked, but thankfully, doesn't involve much work from myself ;)

One of the main issues that myself and Andrew need to deal with is the design of the case and the manual, the colour is too bright, the text is too pushed together and the logo for 'Maths Craze' isn't very visible from the fluorescent background , all things myself and Andrew will need to fix immediately.

A list of our To-Do-List is roughly:
  • Fix small problems
  • Fix case
  • Fix manual
  • Fix Logo
  • Get bank account
  • Update web-site and upload some screen shots.
  • Finish the installer until we are 100% happy with it.
  • Upload game onto internet, which includes setting up online shop.
  • Start Selling!

In other news, I recently gave a copy of the game to my maths teacher to beta test it and see what she thinks of it. We are waiting for a response and we are hoping for a positive response instead of negative one's , since the game is very near the last stage ; actually selling the game.


Returning to the subject that we raised a few weeks ago, we are still looking for people to join our development team, and we have the following vacancies :
  • Programming with basic vb .NET skills (prefer. vb 2008 skills)
  • Designing with Photoshop, Flash, Fireworks experience (prefer. CS3 skills)
  • Person willing to learn programming/design by working alongside us and learning the skills (no experience / skills required, but basic computer skills is preferred.)

Well, that's all of our news that covers the past few weeks of G.A. Learning.
Keep on the lookout on our website ( and this blog to stay in the know of our progress with Maths Craze and future releases.

Stay tuned,
Gavin Kenna
G.A. Learning